At the beginning motorists the question arises: is it possible to mix oils of different…

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Top 5 Tips for Using an Inexpensive Smartphone in a Car
Choose your mount wisely Remember the main thing - the longer the attachment foot, the…

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They went horseback. Peugeot e-Legend
This time, the Peugeot brand did without loud presentations at its home salon, where journalists,…


If earlier, antiradars constantly “squeaked” and unnerved drivers with false positives, now this problem is…


Such recommendations as to how to correctly / correctly wash the engine of a car…

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decision himself

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They went horseback. Peugeot e-Legend

This time, the Peugeot brand did without loud presentations at its home salon, where journalists, it must be admitted, are often driven away by force. Meanwhile, it was Peugeot from the entire bush of French brands that performed at the Paris Motor Show more successfully than the rest. On the one hand, demonstrating a practical 508 SW wagon, which, according to the company’s managers, will account for 60% of model sales in Europe. On the other hand, showing the retroconcept e-Legend, which, according to our observations, has become the most popular car in the cabin among all the “French”. And so that the visitors did not miss, they did not get lost in the large pavilion and certainly found e-Legend, the big lion pointed the way to the new product.
The retro theme in concepts, of course, is not new, but artists do not often turn to a specific model of the brand. Continue reading

Go to the barricades: buy the Mitsubishi Outlander II

It is now Outlander in the model range Mitsubishi occupies an intermediate position: between the almost accessible ASX and the flagship Pajero. And in the distant 2006, when the second generation entered the market, there was no compact crossover in the model range – compared to the previous body, the dimensions grew quite large (in some catalogs this model had the prefix XL). Many observers saw this as a marketing miscalculation, because the same year Nissan Qashqai entered the market, who not only became a bestseller, but, in fact, founded the class of compact crossovers.
Partly, Mitsubishi recognized this by releasing competitor Qashqai in 2010 in a failed attempt to pull the blanket over. But back to our search. Despite the solid size and impressive volume of engines in 2.4 and 3 liters, some tend to underestimate this car. Although it can sometimes be bullied in the city and on the highway, and if necessary – turn off the road into the mud. It is a pity that some individuals with a distorted view of reality tried to squeeze out of the Outlander a little more than he could. Continue reading

Instead of “pruley”: how China wants to flood Asia and Africa with its used cars

The sales of new cars in China are amazing: for comparison, in Russia last year 1.6 million cars were sold, and in China in September 2018 alone they were bought over 2 million. The total annual result in 2017 amounted to – just think about it – almost 29 million units! And given the pace of sales, even taking into account the “low base”, that is, an extremely low level of motorization of the country several years ago, the volume of the secondary market is also growing by leaps and bounds. And this means not only economic growth and a good purchasing power of the population, but also the emergence of new issues that simply did not arise earlier. And one of the main things – what to do with used cars?
It would seem that the question is simple: given the volume of production, you can simply expand processing, sending old machines for scrap and remelting. Continue reading

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Such recommendations as to how to correctly / correctly wash the engine of a car…


In this article we will talk about low profile tires, their main advantages and disadvantages.…
