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If earlier, antiradars constantly “squeaked” and unnerved drivers with false positives, now this problem is a thing of the past. At first, the GPS system came to the rescue, which determined the speed of the car and, accordingly, did not work below a certain threshold, which the driver set at its discretion. For example, you can set the threshold of the device to 69 km / h, and if the speed of the machine is lower – the device will be silent. This allowed to get rid of most of the false positives, but not all. Therefore, a new type of radar detectors with a signature module came (signature from English – signature). What is its feature? The memory of the device contains the signals of all known determinants of speed, and if the device detects them (by amplitude, number of pulses, repetition frequency, etc.), it notifies the driver. Moreover, it even determines the name of the camera. If the device does not see the signal or it does not match the sample in its memory, then it is “silent”. It turns out that knowing all the popular cameras and their work, this anti-radar can completely get rid of false positives. Also, the device’s memory contains signals from all known sources of interference, such as the cruise control system, the automatic door opening system, emitters of roadside meteorological stations, etc. If the radar detector “sees” them, then it completely ignores them. And if the device does not know the camera signal, then what? In this case, in his memory laid 3 programs. The first is the normal mode, which responds to all radiations in the X, K, or Ka bands, i.e. works like a normal radar detector. The second program, “smart mode”, eliminates all the false interference that the device knows (automatic doors, cruise control sensors). In the third mode, the anti-radar actuates only the signals of the speed meters known to it, and ignores all other emitters. Additionally, the radar detectors of the new generation are equipped with a GPS-module, which warns of stationary speed meters (including non-emitting), and allows you to set the priority of the alert – satellite or radio frequency. HOW DO NEW RADAR DETECTORS WORK IN PRACTICE? If to compare with old devices, without a signature module, the difference is palpable. First of all, from acoustic comfort, because the anti-radar no longer constantly “screams”, reacting to the next car refueling or passing by a passing car. Now only warnings about real cameras, no false positives. As for the definition of cameras, the device works as a traditional radar detector that detects all the cameras known to it. It must be said that the recognition of the camera depends on the developers of the device – if they put camera signals in its memory, the device can easily cope with them. But it may be difficult to determine the latest speed gauges – but only until the moment when you do not update the radar detector and until the manufacturer releases the new firmware. Should I change the traditional radar detector on the devices of the new generation with a signature module? If you often travel in the city, then definitely – yes. So you can get rid of the constant false positives and nasty squeaks. If you use a radar detector in the country and, especially, when traveling to other regions, there is no point in replacing it.

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