normal mode
In this article we will talk about low profile tires, their main advantages and disadvantages. Should I switch to these tires, if there is a modified or ordinary car?
WHAT IT IS? If you ask a tuning enthusiast what distinguishes a “cool car” from a usual one, then low profile tires will be named among the first signs. Indeed, the wheels of the car with a large radius and a narrow strip of rubber look much more aggressive and more beautiful. But how does this affect the car itself, which should not only please the eye, but also go safely? As we know, the standard marking is: 235/45 R20. Continue reading
If earlier, antiradars constantly “squeaked” and unnerved drivers with false positives, now this problem is a thing of the past. At first, the GPS system came to the rescue, which determined the speed of the car and, accordingly, did not work below a certain threshold, which the driver set at its discretion. For example, you can set the threshold of the device to 69 km / h, and if the speed of the machine is lower – the device will be silent. This allowed to get rid of most of the false positives, but not all. Therefore, a new type of radar detectors with a signature module came (signature from English – signature). Continue reading