Instead of “pruley”: how China wants to flood Asia and Africa with its used cars
The sales of new cars in China are amazing: for comparison, in Russia last year…

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Mercedes-Benz EQC electric crossover
About the Mercedes-Benz EQC electric crossover, a lot became known a month ago after its…

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BENEFITS OF THE BOX-AUTOMATIC A car with automatic transmission gives you the opportunity to concentrate…


Copying headlong: the secret three-axle all-terrain vehicles of the 1930s in the USSR
By that time, in the Soviet automobile industry, according to the principle “they are getting…


Five reasons to love and hate Lifan Smily
They say that if you see something that looks like a duck, walks like a…

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capricious and gentle


At the beginning motorists the question arises: is it possible to mix oils of different manufacturers, categories and viscosity classes? Let’s figure it out.
IF OIL IS DIFFERENT MANUFACTURERS Any oil consists of a base and a set of additives that give the base oil-based individual qualities. The possible incompatibility of the fundamentals of different manufacturers is covered by the first problem – different manufacturers have different technologies and ways of producing the base, which in the end may have different physical properties (this is especially true of synthetics). Due to the unevenness of the bases, problems may arise when mixing enough identical synthetic oils, but from different manufacturers. Continue reading


A well-groomed, polished car looks prestigious and expensive, regardless of its real price. Usually, wax-based formulations are used as a polishing agent. But there is a better, easier to use tool – liquid glass. It is able to recreate a mirror effect on the surface of the body – everything around it will be reflected on it. The effect is more noticeable than wax. A car polished with such a composition will always be eye-catching. WHAT ARE THE VARIETIES? Liquid glass can be sold in different forms. There are special containers with liquid that need to be applied to the surface of the body and wait for drying – the composition crystallizes and forms a glossy surface. Continue reading


If earlier, antiradars constantly “squeaked” and unnerved drivers with false positives, now this problem is a thing of the past. At first, the GPS system came to the rescue, which determined the speed of the car and, accordingly, did not work below a certain threshold, which the driver set at its discretion. For example, you can set the threshold of the device to 69 km / h, and if the speed of the machine is lower – the device will be silent. This allowed to get rid of most of the false positives, but not all. Therefore, a new type of radar detectors with a signature module came (signature from English – signature). Continue reading