Always fresh: why you can not constantly add oil instead of replacing?
With an oil appetite of more than a liter for a couple of thousand kilometers,…

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Chita, Squirrel, Ant: Soviet rare cars, cars
Yuri A. Dolmatovsky, Candidate of Technical Sciences, a talented engineer and artist, founder and theorist…

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The first SUV of Kazakhstan: the history of the creation of the car LAF 4101
The story began in the very city where, according to the creators of the “Gentlemen…


After the new year, DerVase may stop assembling Lifan and Chery. We reveal the details
The DerVace car company entered the Russian market at the beginning of the “zero” years…


Motorists at least once in their lives have to face a situation where when they…

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Soviet engineer and inventor

Copying headlong: the secret three-axle all-terrain vehicles of the 1930s in the USSR

By that time, in the Soviet automobile industry, according to the principle “they are getting better and better”, the tendency of universal meaningless copying of available foreign machines, their units and components was firmly established. Without thinking twice, it was laid in the basis of the experimental design work of the Gorky Automobile Plant for high-speed three-axle cars for re-equipment of the Red Army with new types of transport and combat vehicles.
Lightweight three-axle chassis Ford-A Soviet assembly for recoilless gun
Lightweight three-axle chassis Ford-A Soviet assembly for recoilless gun
American Ford-A cars assembled in the USSR became the base of the first military tri-shorts, which were soon replaced by the production models GAZ-A and M-1, which also had overseas roots and were equipped with a second rear axle. Continue reading

The first SUV of Kazakhstan: the history of the creation of the car LAF 4101
The story began in the very city where, according to the creators of the “Gentlemen…


Without a trick has not done. New Toyota Corolla
In fact, the answer to the question of why the Japanese made two versions of…
