Motorists at least once in their lives have to face a situation where when they…

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A well-groomed, polished car looks prestigious and expensive, regardless of its real price. Usually, wax-based…

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The first SUV of Kazakhstan: the history of the creation of the car LAF 4101
The story began in the very city where, according to the creators of the “Gentlemen…


Five reasons to love and hate Skoda Yeti
Leaving the main design solutions, the engineers were forced to use the larger Volkswagen PQ35…


Is it possible to change the speedometer or “twist the mileage”? Upset buyers of used…

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fully staffed

Five reasons to love and hate Daewoo Nexia

In the land of morning freshness, Opel Kadett turned first into Daewoo Racer, then into Cielo (and the car was delivered to a number of markets under the name Lemans and Pointer). In 1994, the car was upgraded to the Nexia name, and in 1995, the Daewoo assembly line in the Uzbek city of Asaka, not far from Andijan, began to work.
In those years, the Daewoo chaebol was actively expanding, and Nexia began to be assembled in Vietnam, Egypt and Romania, and since 1996 it stopped production at all in Korea, leaving it, however, in foreign branches. By the way, from 1996 to 1998, the SKD assembly was also carried out in Russia, at the Krasny Aksai plant in the Rostov region. Still, the main supplier of Nexia to our market was the UzDaewoo plant, where full-cycle production was organized. Continue reading

Chita, Squirrel, Ant: Soviet rare cars, cars

Yuri A. Dolmatovsky, Candidate of Technical Sciences, a talented engineer and artist, founder and theorist of the school of Soviet automobile design, a well-known writer, popularizer and journalist, was the main advocate of the wagon layout. A long time ago several generations of boys were brought up on the books and articles of Dolmatovsky, who tried to infuse us with his great passion for cars and support his “fellow mania”.
The birth and death of “Cheats”: the first Soviet car NAMI-013
Having completed the development of cargo bodies and trailed toilets, in 1949, Yuri Dolmatovsky, head of the bodywork bureau of the Scientific Automobile Institute (NAMI), began to fulfill his cherished dream – the creation of avant-garde car assemblies, which were then called trambuses. Thus was born the idea of ​​a revolutionary car NAMI-013, which was developed by the engineer Konstantin Zeyvang and the artist-designer Vladimir Aryamov. Continue reading