Trump is in a frenzy: GM turns off the production of cars in the US
On the eve of the Los Angeles Motor Show, General Motors announced a large-scale restructuring…

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Copying headlong: the secret three-axle all-terrain vehicles of the 1930s in the USSR
By that time, in the Soviet automobile industry, according to the principle “they are getting…

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If earlier, antiradars constantly “squeaked” and unnerved drivers with false positives, now this problem is…


Five reasons to love and hate the Great Wall Hover
Russian car enthusiasts first met the Hover at the Moscow Motor Show 2005, and the…


Almost sport, almost cheap: is it worth buying a Toyota GT86
At the time of the creation of this car, toyotovtsy understood that the concept of…

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other countries do not make

Trump is in a frenzy: GM turns off the production of cars in the US

On the eve of the Los Angeles Motor Show, General Motors announced a large-scale restructuring of its business, during which eight plants would be closed (five of them in North America) and about 15,000 employees were laid off. Tough measures due to the “hazy future” will allow the corporation to save about $ 6 billion.
What, everything is so bad? Not at all, but the corporation is worried about the two main trends of the global automotive industry: electric cars and UAVs – it seems that without them we cannot survive in the next decade, but it is difficult to predict the demand and costs for developing such equipment, because before GM has experience in mass production of electric vehicles and the more drones were not. As for traditional cars, GM plans to bet on what they take, that is, on pickups and crossovers, and put everything else under the knife. In essence, the position is exactly the same as the Ford company is now occupying, the same vector of development adheres to FCA. Continue reading

No brother and off-road: whether to buy a Jeep Grand Cherokee
Unlike many competitors born on a common platform with pickups and inherited the frame, and…


Five reasons to love and hate Lifan Smily
They say that if you see something that looks like a duck, walks like a…
